Episode 52

Published on:

24th Oct 2015

052: The Dorito Effect - Food Addiction, Flavor & the Most Compelling Lie Ever Told

"Processed food doesn’t contain the food that it is pretending to be." - Mark Schatzker

In his most recent book The Dorito Effect, best-selling author and food journalist Mark Schatker says "the cause of our food problem will not be found in individual nutrients." Rather, it's flavor, and its impact on human behavior (namely, eating), that has changed dramatically and led us so very far away from nutritional wisdom to our current blazing path toward obesity, diabetes and chronic disease. He's talking to us about how this underestimated component is demonstrated perfectly in what he's dubbed "the Dorito effect."

"Modern food may be the most compelling lie ever told." 

What We Talk About:
  • How the Dorito became the metaphor for modern food 
  • Why we won't solve our eating problem until we understand the role of flavor and human behavior
  • Food addiction is not fun. How even rats can come to rely on their next "hit."
  • "Natural flavor" = artificial flavorings, and they're in your pantry, your fridge, your freezer and nearly ever restaurant in existence 
  • What manufacturers to do everything from packaged foods to plain chicken breasts to cigarettes so that you'll crave them more (it's not pretty)
  • The role artificial flavors play in metabolic confusion...and weight gain
  • Why is this even a problem? Why we eat far more than we need to and what to do about it
  • So, what's the solution?

"Nothing tastes like what it is anymore.

Everything tastes like what we want it to be."

Learn more at www.onairwithella.com/052-mark-schatzker-dorito-effect



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Women's Wellness ON AIR WITH ELLA
For women 35+ who want to feel better, look better, live better - and have fun along the way. From healthy habits, motivation, and personal growth to longevity and thriving at every age, to relationships, communication, and intimacy, Ella keeps it SIMPLE. We're sharing simple tips for living a bit better every day (a little cheeky, but never preachy!). It's wellness without obsession, and you should join us! You're minutes away from living better - live better, start NOW.
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Ella Lucas-Averett

I'm Ella. In addition to podcast creator and host of On Air with Ella since 2015, I am Managing Partner of The Trivista Group, a strategic communications consulting firm that I co-founded in 2003. I'm a professional activational speaker, competitive age-group triathlete, and co-Founder of the women's non-profit ZivaVoices.com.

Whether it's your business or personal life, my goal is to bring you resources that help you get more of what you want, and less of what you don't.